Can't find your business on Google?

Discover why with our SEO audit, review and roadmap service

Is your business struggling to be found on Google? Are you wondering why your competitors seem to dominate search results while your website remains down the ranks on page 10?

Our SEO audit, review and roadmap is designed to shed light on the reasons behind your website's invisibility and provide you with an easy-to-implement strategy to reach your target audience (a.k.a your ideal clients or customers) effectively.

What’s included in this SEO review, audit and roadmap service?

  1. Keyword Analysis: Hailey conducts thorough keyword research and analyses your domain ranking to identify untapped opportunities. We’ll put together a keyword guide that will attract your ideal customers and boost your website's visibility.

  2. Comprehensive 30-page audit report: Receive a tailored 30-page audit report that outlines your website’s strengths and weaknesses based on what Google needs. The audit will categorise SEO tasks by which is the most critical (i.e. most urgent) to implement first.

  3. Three quick wins to optimise your website immediately: A well-optimised website not only ranks higher in search results but also delivers a seamless experience for those visiting your website. We'll assess your website's usability and navigation to ensure visitors have a positive experience and your site is optimised for those precious leads and conversions!

  4. Competitor analysis for strategic advantage: Understand what sets your competitors apart and learn from their strategies. Our competitive analysis will give you valuable insights for up to 3 major competitors to identify their successes and and any opportunities to gain a competitive edge.

  5. Customised long-term SEO roadmap: Our SEO audit is not just a one-time fix. We'll guide you through the results and provide you with a customised roadmap for ongoing SEO success, including recommendations for continuous improvement and best practices for maintaining your website's search engine rankings.

  6. Consultation to unpack insights: We'll walk you through the audit findings, recommendations, and quick-wins during a personalised 1.5hr consultation. Hailey will answer your questions and help you understand how to leverage the insights for maximum impact.

  7. At the end of the session, you’ll receive digital downloads of your SEO audit report, competitor review, keyword analysis and customised roadmap. These are such valuable resources for a business to implement a long-term SEO strategy for success!

Bonus: SEO content & topic plan for the year ahead

As a special limited bonus for bookings scheduled prior to the end of 2023, you'll receive a tailored 12 month SEO content plan, crafted to resonate with your target audience, amplify your keywords, and establish your authority in your business’ chosen industry.

That’s the whole of 2024 sorted for content ideas!

SEO ensures your business doesn’t just exist online, but thrives

To thrive in the digital age, your website must be visible to potential customers when they search for products or services you offer. Having a website is just the first step, and it’s like having a shop in the busiest part of town.

Here's the thing: many businesses set up shop, add a sandwich board, make it look pretty and hope for the best. They trust that customers will find them amid the bustling digital streets that encompass HUGE amounts of stores and sandwich boards already .

Unfortunately, even if you niche, target and think your NZ industry is comparatively small enough to be found in, it's still not a guarantee you'll be found easily online.

We see it a lot - businesses wondering why their website is on page 10 of Google, even when they're not necessarily in a hugely saturated market.

Here's the secret: an SEO strategy is the equivalent of lighting up your storefront, putting up plenty of signage, maybe even one of those wiggly flag-man things, and ensuring your shop is listed in every flashy guidebook.

Make sure your potential customers and clients can find you online

Get ready for a digital transformation

Our SEO audit, review and health check covers all the essential elements that contribute to your website's visibility and success.

With a 30-page SEO audit report, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of your website's strengths and weaknesses, along with actionable recommendations and quick-wins to make an immediate impact.

How the SEO package elevates your business

  • Unleash your online potential: With our SEO service, you'll identify and capitalise on opportunities that drive organic traffic, increase leads, and boost your website's authority.

  • Stay ahead of the curve: Armed with a comprehensive roadmap and quick wins, you'll be able to compete effectively and will be prepared to adapt to ever-changing digital trends.

  • Sustainable Business Growth: The personalised recommendations and ongoing roadmap ensure your online success extends beyond a single moment - helping you grow consistently.

Say goodbye to an invisible website and lost customers

Get started with the SEO audit, review, + roadmap for a one-off price of $550. There are limited spots available for 2023 and they’re filling up fast. After that, the regular price of $1250 will return for 2024.

Don’t forget, when you secure your spot for 2023, we'll sweeten the deal with a complimentary custom SEO content topic plan.

Ready to roll? Click the button to schedule your consultation and let’s make sure your potential customers and clients can find you online!