Easing the mental load for business owners

Being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and developing your own sustainable and successful business sure is thrilling and rewarding! But let’s be honest, people often don’t talk about the fact that it can be extremely tiring and overwhelming.

The mental load can bring on a large amount of stress and anxiety, and at times it can be hard to see the wood for the trees. Now we aren’t saying it is not worth it, but we do note that, as business owners ourselves, we all need strategies in place to make life easier on ourselves.

At Atlas and Oak, we work with a range of business owners across a variety of industries, and see and know the strain they are under. Here are our top 10 tips we want to share to help you ease the mental load in your business.

  1. Stop, and take a break. It seems counterintuitive, but sometimes it is best to stop and take a break from the situation, for you to be able to see the problems for what they are. Time away from your business, or even your work environment, might just be the ticket you need to take the next step forward.

  2. Ask for help. I have been lucky enough to have built a great relationship with a mentor. He is a very experienced New Zealand Director, who manages to ask just the right thought-provoking questions. Our monthly coffee dates give me renewed perspective and helps me stay on track. If you are not getting the time and attention you need from your current advisor/mentor/coach – then make a change or ask for help! That is what we are here for, and what we love to do.

  3. Have a plan. I believe that, to create a truly successful business, you need a strategy, and a defined yet simple plan, on how you will reach your destination. You need to have a clear vision on where you are headed, on why you are in business, and what success would mean to you. Having a plan will help to clear a path, to map your journey, and will save you time and stress, as your business moves forward with purpose.

  4. Engage and empower your team. Have you got the right people working with you? Are they a help, or let’s be honest, more of a hindrance? What tasks are you doing that could be delegated to someone else? And having the right organisational structure in place, with clear roles and responsibilities and KPI’s, will ensure the team works together and in the same direction. What can you do today to empower your team, and what can they do for you, to lighten your load?

  5. Structure and schedule your time wisely. We all have different methods for tracking out schedules, meeting deadlines, and honouring our commitments, so work out what works best for you and look to refine this process. Do you need a better calendar system? Could you now do with a project management software? Or do you really need a personal assistant or office manager? Having structure and good scheduling of your time should create better efficiencies and less stress in your business.

  6. Look at automation. What technology do you have in place, and what technology do you need to invest in, to streamline your operations and ease your mental load? With technology growing so rapidly, we have an abundance of opportunity to save ourselves time in this area.

  7. Don’t compare yourself. Social media would have us believe that everyone is living their best lives, but the difference between perception and reality, has become increasingly blurred. Don’t be put off by what your competitors are doing. Focus on your business and your goals, and where you can, consider collaborating with others to create greater synergies for you both.

  8. Do things that you bring you joy! For me, time with my two young daughters keeps me very grounded. When things feel tough, or if I am having a bad day, their love and reliance on me helps shift things into perspective. Go and spend the weekend away with friends and enjoy the precious moments together. Take that overseas holiday you have been dreaming of!

  9. Acknowledge and express appreciation. Practicing gratitude has endless rewards, including bringing about a more positive mindset, better sleep, more kindness and compassion, and overall better health. Make sure to acknowledge and celebrate the win’s in your business, for you and your team, which will shift your focus from what isn’t going well, to what is.

  10. Don’t be afraid to walk away. If there is a part of your business that hasn’t worked out the way you thought it would, don’t be afraid to walk away. If you feel you aren’t living your purpose, try a new route. Often it is fear that holds us back, a fear of failure, a fear of what other people think, so let’s be brave, and know it’s ok to walk away when we feel like we have exerted all options.

We hope you found these strategies helpful. At Atlas and Oak, we are business owners working with business owners, and are here to work with you and support you when you need it.


Cash is Queen


Embracing + Challenging the Imposter Syndrome within!